Jefe aka Johnny Chiba chugs through three floors of creators, comics,
artists and publishers aplenty at the annual MoCCA Fest eventacular
click thumbnails for larger versions
Greg Kletsel
Richard Simmons vs Gene Simmons... classic, brilliant juxtaposition!
Elise Dinkelaker
found this magnificent zombie girl background on Ms. Dinkelaker's website,
suitable for gift-wrapping for special occasions and undead birthdays
Narciso Espiritu
Tiger Shark was one of many interesting creatures c/o Mr. Espiritu,
who also puts out the excellent Instigator Zine out of Jersey City
Mr. Kim was kind enough to cut out this space diver samurai
astronaut for me, when he asked what my favorite piece was.
Thank you, JP Kim, the person!
David Plunkert
David Plunkert is no small potatoes.
His illustrations have appeared in advertising campaigns for Fortune 500 companies, in major newspapers,
mags, and record labels. He is a teacher, lecturer, and has received a gold medal from Society of Illustrators NY
and bronze medal from Soc of Ill LA. His work ranges from collage to blocky coolness, to animation and beyond.
I particularly liked his REFUSED poster, mainly because they're the greatest punk rock band of all time.
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James Romberger/Marguerite Van Cook
I first heard about the artist/colorist and writer duo of Romberger/Van Cook
when I purchased 7 Miles A Second, their collaboration with artist David Wojnarowitz.
Their new Fantagraphics release Late Child (and other animals) is yet another masterpiece,
a “psychic landscape. coming-of-age narrative, haunted by a dark undercurrent..."
“This breathtaking auto/biography traces the life path of a mother, and then her daughter,
as it weaves together fragments of each woman’s memories to form a careful mosaic. The images
and accompanying text together reflect a unique and powerful lyricism, one that captures everything
from the aftermath of a grisly, war-torn landscape to youthful experiences how poetic
the graphic novel form can be, how memories rendered through sharp lines, soft watercolors, and
penetrating narrative prose can immerse you in worlds far, far away.”
– Tahneer Oksman, author of Mourning the Family Album
from cover art for noise rock band Japanther, to the adorable
tiger, part of her animal kingdom, Kim Sielbeck is on!
Jordan Jeffries
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Seeing yet another comic artist write and draw himself into his experiences might lead one to think
you've seen/heard/read this before, but Jordan Jeffries not only immerses himself in the mundane
turned interesting thru illustration, his humor abounds in his Day Job and Matinee Junkie books.
However, the pièce de résistance is the most excellent Me & Gin comic he illustrated, which
is so well written and brought to life by Mr. Jeffries, a tale of two beyond-bff gals, that
is heartfelt, warm and beautiful.
Anyone who draws a homage to the 'Brick's A Clockwork Orange
AND Davey Lynch's Eraserhead is alright in my book.
Maëlle Doliveux
Madamoiselle Doliveux artwork, especially on the cover of Oryx and Crake,
is quite interesting. But her animations from below comedic videos
are fantastic,
from paper cutout animation to full-on stop motion claymation, she is genius artiste.
(La 'S' Grand Atelier)
Fremok featured a number of extraordinary (mostly wordless) books this year, including
Knock Outsider, a bi-lingual document of artistic collaborations at La "S" Grand Atelier,
an arts center for adults with mental disabilities
Other than being knocked out by Knock Outsider, I was blown away by
the wood etchings of Adopho Avril's Aprés la mort, in collaboration with
Olivier Deprez. click below for a verr cool slideshow
Oliver Schrauwen
My Boy is quite the inordinately teeny tiny dollish imp, whose
Victorian-era dad takes him on crazy adventures with crocodiles, pygmies, etc.
As odd as the stories may seem, the artwork is impeccable, reminiscent of early
newspaper comic strips, faded color, intricate word balloons et al
Mike Diana
Yet another Mike Diana sighting at this year's MoCCA, who turned me on
to his newly released Horrible Ugly Heads print collection, a take-off on
Topps' Ugly Stickers by Basil Wolverton
Delia Evin
i love this spock sticker, not only for the skullular artistry, but for the
timely tribute to a great character/late actor, and the fact that it's blood red.
i'll buy that for a dollar! (I did). Also found on evil devil Delia Evin's website,
some neat drawings ala the Kabbalah Hands on the right
Eli Powell
Bleak, black and white, undead. nice.
i dig the protagonist's full hairy face and head, reminded me
Lon Chaney Jr's Wolfman. AND he's fighting zombies... cool!
Krent Able
this big book of mischief includes bloody strips dedicated to Nick Cave,
Morrissey & other music heroes, done up murderous, humorous zombie style.
me likey.
Wellington Sun
Wellington Sun, won't you come, and wash away the... pain!
superheroes getting their faces punched in, including a lenticular
card of The Flash got my "wow" quotient going. Sun!
Rosemary Valero-O'Connell
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Rosemary V-O'C displayed her array of wares, including the
Phylum comic, complete with gold vellum cover and tiny mini comic
affixed within, of carrot-like creature growing in each panel,
that just screamed for a Chiba-animation (right).
Artiste Cassano, hanging with cool boys Dean Haspiel, Seth Kushner et al,
represented with her debut Swingin Meat Comic The Giant Effect.
Loving all things giant, swingin and meaty, i found a couple panels online,
after wading thru way too many multi-penile google results for "swingin meat"...
squash, slap, smack, crack!
Simon Arizpe
Mr. Arizpe, an award wining paper engineer and illustrator,
brought his pop-up books, including Star Wars, Encyclopedia Prehistorica
series, etc, and his personal flexagons, which operated as an origami
hexaflexagon, telling a narrative with each fold... brilliant!
Dana Guerrieri
I immediately recognized Oberyn from Game of Thrones, but had to
ask artiste Guerrieri, if it was indeed him. Upon confirmation, I noticed
the bloody eyes ... duh! if you don't watch GoT, you won't get it.
Ana Carmichael
some artists can make puns, and draw puns, but artiste Carmichael takes it
to a whole new level with her pastel-y colors, animals and personification of
fruits, foods and other inanimate objects... she not only gets away with it via
child-friendly colors and warm drawings, but because she's so.damn.cute.
Cecilia Ruiz
loving the greens and blacks of Cecilia Ruiz' Book of Memory Gaps
and loving the postcard of the hoarder who died hoarding
Langley Collyer 1947 - an extreme case of compulsive hoarding, who was
crushed to death by a large pile of objects, books and random clutter
Will Lytle
Mr. Will Lytle, aka Thorneater, draws himself resplendent in beard and
bald head, dealing with all things natural and magical, including The Orb
(PURCHASED), a sci-fi mystical journey of self-discovery and coolness.
check out his website & tumblr for full-on comics & online reproductions.
Daniel Zender
digging the shadowy figures and demons of Daniel Zender,
including his new book NOPE, as well as the cool sticker and
postcard he gave out at his table. thanks DanZen!
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Sarah Lammer
Sarah Lammer (the Slammer) drew portraits of MoCCA conventioners
with her blue/red double-pen fisted technique. Above is Slammer's version
of Jefe aka Johnny Chiba, caught making faces, wearing his Mike Diana
Eviscerated Zombie Tampon shirt
The Assembly of Revolutionary Artists of Oaxaca (ASARO)
protest and rebel through their art, from graffiti, to woodcut prints,
murals and beyond. fascinating stuffs!
Getting Up for the People
The Visual Revolution of ASAR-Oaxaca
How can you not love The Art of Ooo, with an intro by Guillermo del Toro?
A very comprehensive tomb of Adventure Time's history, characters, concepts
and of course, the artwork... at a special MoCCA price of $25, it was a no-brainer...
Adventure Time: The Art of Ooo
Josh Bayer
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The author of Suspect Device comic creates superheroes and heroines from his mind and the public's
wiki of comic characters near and dear, such as Nancy 'n Sluggo, Li'l Orphan Annie,
Mr. Bayer's latest kickstarter campaign had him take requests along with contributions for the new comic.
He's compiled the requests in Drawings You Want (PURCHASED) that gives insight into his fans
as well as his talent. Although it wasn't included, I am quite fond of the
"masterbating Nancy" he
drew for my suspect contribution
Sam Henderson
Sam Henderson's Magic Whistle (PURCHASED), as noted
on the cover, is funny. Sex and penile humor abound,
drawn in his inimitable artistically afflicted
scratchy style
Joshua Mathus
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my thanks to most valued bastard Michael Vincent Bramley, whom
I covered in a previous MoCCA review, for giving me a mini-Sherbert
comic, and introducing me to the excellent art of Joshua Mathus.
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one of my favorite publishers, NoBrow's MoCCA table was filled
with new and old comics and publications, where I spent many minutes
perusing amused. A couple of new items that caught my eyeballs were:
A Graphic Cosmogony
"24 Artists Take On 7 Pages To Tell Their Tales
Kyle Platts
mega-hilarity personified
best business card:
Louie the Chin!
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PO Box 1582, Cooper Station, NY NY 10276
jefe at testpress dot net